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eWam vs File System

Beta version

Below APIs are subject to change and are not fully documented. Use it with care and provide us feedback if you use any of those APIs and we will try to keep it retro-compatible


What is a file system?

In computing, a file system or filesystem (often abbreviated to fs) controls how data is stored and retrieved. Without a file system, data placed in a storage medium would be one large body of data with no way to tell where one piece of data stops and the next begins. By separating the data into pieces and giving each piece a name, the data is easily isolated and identified. Taking its name from the way paper-based data management system is named, each group of data is called a "file". The structure and logic rules used to manage the groups of data and their names is called a file system.

Why is it important?

The goal of this feature is to provide a strategy to map ewam entities also named TGV Units into a corresponding file system representation and matching as much as possible what is expected by the standard, such as metadata and update functionality.

Today eWam Entities are stored in a TGV databases:

  • W001001.TGV
  • W003001.TGV
  • W004001.TGV

Having the entities stored into a database makes it convenient when code is refactored. However it make it incompatible with tradition source code solution such as git.



It should be possible to:

  • Explore eWam Filesystem in a human comprehensible way:
    • The number of entities within each folder should not exceed 100 elements
    • Folder Structure should be corresponding to a logical separation of packages (ie technical vs business, etc...)
  • Access the previous version of a file
  • Retrieve metadata information such as:
    • last user
    • last modification date

TGV Unit // Master Entity

A TGV unit is an element that has not myOwner and that can be shared.


In eWam 7, a new function GetDeliveryOwner can be used to find the master.

Virtual FS Example

  • AppFolder
    • .installed

      System classes and classes installed from third party packages

    • .builds

      Generated code such as PRBs and wInterface params

    • .unpackaged

      Entities not yet in bundle

    • WFLifeInsurance

      Bundle name

    • ...
| | |
| | |
Bundle Delivery unit/name



To improve readability, it is possible to hide default values via configuration within the WAMDefault.json config file.

Here is an example of a scenario presenting the ID variable

declare aClassDef[aWLIPerson].AvailableScenarios[WLIPersonIdentityStatusForSynthesis] = aScenario(
myType: aClassDef[aWLIPerson],
DefaultWidth: 725,
DefaultHeight: 138,
DefaultFont: (FontSize: 10),
myCodeAndDefOrImplem: aClassImplem[WLIPersonIdentityStatusForSynthesisAgent],
SubComponents: [
Name: 'StaticText',
myText: 'ID:',
Modifiers: (mMultiLang: true),
X: 544,
Y: 117,
Width: 15,
XFactor: 1,
Kinds: (
Kinds: (stkHalfTone: true, stkEraseRect: true, stkMargin: true, stkBitmap: true),
Shadow: stsDark,
myScenario: aVoidAsStaticText[StaticText],
ExplanationFont: (FontSize: 8, FontName: 'Tms Rmn'),
Name: 'ID001',
myText: 'ID',
X: 576,
Y: 117,
Width: 12,
XFactor: 1,
Kinds: (
Kinds: (stkHalfTone: true, stkEraseRect: true, stkMargin: true, stkBitmap: true),
Shadow: stsDark,
IsForTheType: qvpuUIAgent,
myVar: aClassDef[WLIPersonIdentityStatusForSynthesisAgent].myVars[ID],
myScenario: aXXXAsStaticText[XXXAsStaticText],
ExplanationFont: (FontSize: 8, FontName: 'Tms Rmn'),
myAvailableEvents: [

Virtual FS API

  • GET /fs/file:/ => Give all packages name and .installed and .unpackaged directories
  • GET /fs/file:/{package} => Give package folder names
  • GET /{package}/{folder} => Give the package folder content:
    • In addition to the folder content we need to add entities that have the Package Annotation matching the requested package and folder. See below.
    • TGV units will be served from namespaces to avoid name collisions.
  • GET /file:/{package}/{folder}/{namespace}/{name}/{version}
    • => give a TGV Unit
    • Medata such as last user and modification date should be send in headers
    • Giving the version parameter should allow to retrieve a previous version
  • POST /{package}/{folder}/{namespace}/{name}/index.wam => Modify a TGV Unit
  • DELETE /{package}/{folder}/{namespace}/{name}/index.wam => Delete a TGV Unit
  • PUT /{package}/{folder}/{namespace}/{name}/index.wam => Create a TGV Unit within the namespace
Beta version

Below APIs are subject to change and are not fully documented. Use it with care and provide us feedback if you use any of those APIs and we will try to keep it retro-compatible

The fallback content to display on prerendering