The command line has the following syntax:
eWam.exe {_Args_}
eWamConsole.exe {_Args_}
eWamService.exe {_Args_}
=> prefere node-hosting if possibleWedRPCServer.exe {_Args_}
Wydeweb.exe {_Args_}
, (or config file for WydeWeb ActiveX and WydeWeb ClickOnce)
Traditionally with eWam 7 we recommend to use npm scripts like this
"ewam:patch-system": "node scripts/call.js ewamconsole.exe /PATCHSYSTEM"
With this define you will be able to run npm run patch-system
. The script call.js
will be responsible of positionning all the required environment variable to open ewam. See Environment Variables section.
Main Command line options
In general, {Args} can be any sequence of the following, in any order. If not this is specified in the option documentation.
Command Line String Length Limitation
The maximum length of the string that you can use at the command prompt is limited depending on the Windows version (see ) and eWam version you are using.
To avoid issues concerning this limitation we do suggest to use @File name for {Args}. ex : eWamConsole.exe @MyCommandLineOption.cfg.
@File name
Each line in file is interpreted as a different option from the list below.
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
/CLASS:\<Class name>
Launches eWam, creates and instance of \<class name>, and opens the default scenario for it. See /METHOD, /SCENARIO, and /RUN.
Close database connections when a WydeWeb session is closed.
Close database connections when a Wed thread ended.
If not set then the database connections are keep in DB Connections pool for future WydeWeb session or Wed thread execution.
Before recycling the database connection from DB Connections pool , the motor is checking the DB Conection is still alive by sending a technical SQL request to the DB Server. In case the DB Connection is no more alive then the motor re-open a DB connection.
See also parameter Max connections in DataBase Definition Builder
not set
Sends output to StdOut instead of report window.
eWamConsole.exe is running implicitly using this option.
not set
When FALSE, if a session crashes, all sessions will stop.
When TRUE, if one session crashes for some reason, eWed will try to recover and let the other sessions continue. The following events occur :
- the current thread is killed
- all full objects belonging to that thread are deallocated
- any interpreter is deallocated
Thus, if one session thread should crash, the other threads will continue to function.
Use: For the deployment essentially
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
When TRUE, if an issue occurs on DisposeMem, the process doesn't crash but writes an event in the WydeLog with all the stack informations (in the Windows Event Viewer) and a major error happens (written in the errtrace.txt, too).
When FALSE, on DisposeMem issues, the process traps and an event is written in the WydeLog.
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
When TRUE, every group box displayed will clip (i.e. hide any overfilling part of) its design-time content.
This option can be overriden with design-time group box options.
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
In multithread mode, connecting a new thread to the database can be timeouted. TimeOut Value is in hundreds of seconds (so the default value 3000 means 30 sec).
Not set
3000 when the switch is not set
Activates the debug popup menu with the right mouse button click..
Set in eWam.exe
Not set in WedRPCServer.exe
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServerr
In eWam, This option is usually turned on so that an eWam debugger is opened when an error occurs.
The Wyde Web behavior with this option is identical to the eWam behavior. Note that on a real server, this option might bring up the debug window on the server, which is certainly not what you want for a deployed application.
Use: for the debugging only
TRUE in eWam
FALSE in WedRPCServer
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
Performance purpose. Set the default value of BatchSize for OQL Queries on SQL Databases as in previous versions.
In previous version you have to change value of aDBMgr.DefaultOQLCursorBatchsize by code. Now you simply have to set this new parameter in ewam.exe, ewamconsole.exe., WedRPCServer.exe CLI.
This default value is applied for all OQL Queries:
- foreach ... in OQL Select....
- new(OQLCursor)...
You can still set aOQLCursor.batchSize
by code for a given OQL statement.
Not set
1 when the switch is not set.
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
Verifies consistency of classes in DLLs: that each class in a DLL is the most recent version, and that each class used by a class in a DLL is of the most recent version. When a DLL is in error, error report display following information :
- DLL Name
- Class Name
- Class ID
- Class Implem Version
/ENVVAR:\<Environment variable>=\<Value\>
Sets the specified environment variable to value for the eWam process (and any sub-processes launched by eWam that inherit the environment).
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
When TRUE, RaiseError will open alert boxes.
When FALSE RaiseError will not open alert boxes.
This option is useful for batch processes that might encounter errors, but which you do not want to stop execution.
TRUE in eWam
FALSE in WedRPCServer
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
Garbage Collection option to optimize speed vs robustness
Not Set
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
The command line option /FONTNAMEREMAP is used to replace a chosen font with another chosen font in all controls of all scenarios. You can also choose to modify the size of the font.
Example 1:
start eWAM.exe "/FONTNAMEREMAP:MS Sans Serif=Tahoma,1.5"
This command line will change the font MS Sans Serif with the font Tahoma and multiply the size of the font by 1.5 (for example from 8 to 12).
Example 2:
start eWam.exe "/FONTNAMEREMAP:MS Sans Serif=Arial,0.8"
This command line will change the font MS Sans Serif with the font Arial and multiply the size of the font by 0.8;
Example 3:
start eWam.exe "/FONTNAMEREMAP:MS Sans Serif=MS Sans Serif Normal,1"
This command line will change the font MS Sans Serif with the font MS Sans Serif Norma without changing the size.
Important remarks:
- The parameters OldFont and NewFont are key sensitive, it will not work if you write MS SANS SERIF for example.
- In many cases you will need to put quotes (") because you can not put a space in command line (it would be recognized as another option).
In WydeWeb you can set the flag on client side, in html file for ActiveX, in command line for WydeWeb.exe, in options.txt for ClickOnce.
WydeWeb.exe /RUN:aWFApplicationLauncher.Run /SERVICE:WydeWebServerFR "/FONTNAMEREMAP:MS Sans Serif=Arial,0.8"
Not Set
eWam, eWamConsole,
WydeWeb clients.
When eWam is launched with this option, all classes, modules, running context, etc. can be modified. The local repository should not be used with the shared repository any longer.
Not Set
eWam, eWamConsole
First interpreted instruction is debugged.
Not set
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
Displays a screen with a description of all command line options of the executable eWam.exe (eWAM_Help.rtf).
if this option is set to True, when you select an entryfield with the mouse it will highlight the entire value in this entryfield.
if this option is set to False, when you select an entryfield with the mouse it will place the carret where you have clicked in the value of the entryfield.
FALSE in eWam 5.3 and before,
TRUE in eWam 5.4 and after.
Allows the maximum of DB connections specified in the DBDefs to be exceeded. This is usefull in multithread mode only, to try to get another DB connection when the whole pool connection is already used. Nevertheless the database may refuse this new connection.
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
Launches eWam in integration mode for the integration environment that assures data compatibility for future versions by respecting integration rules
Launches eWam in maintenance mode for the maintenance environment that assures compatibility with deployed applications by respecting maintenance rules
When this option is set, do not raise first chance exception when checking valid VMT object.
Usefull when using debuging tools to generate crash dumps.
Not Set
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
Enables the SQL performance optimization of getting the count of items in a list without loading it via std.ListCount and MyListOf.count (aNotLoadedListOfRefTos.count and std.ListCount).
This option is applicable for eWam 5.4, 6.0, 6.1 and 6.1.5 patches only
This option is not applicable for eWam 6.2. This performance optimization is always applied.
Default value is false in eWam 5.4, 6.0, 6.1 and 6.1.5 latest patches.
In eWam 6.2, this option is removed : this is the default behaviour.
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
/MAKEHELP[[\<Help Sub-directory>]][:\<Editor command line>]
Launches eWam in make help mode.
Thereafter, dragging and dropping the icon on a field will open your help editor on the corresponding html page for your context sensitive user documentation.
There are 2 options you can specify:
- Help Sub-directory: the name of the Help Sub-directory of the Help Directory in which to place help files. (The Help Directory is that pointed to by WYDE-HELP or is '(WYDE-ROOT)\Help' by default). The actual file will be placed in the 'IDE' sub-directory of this Help Sub-directory. If not specified here, the Help Sub-directory is the first directory found in the Help Directory. Note that the Help Sub-directory must be enclosed in '[]'.
- Editor command line: By default, eWam launches a DOS session with the command 'WinWord' to open the editor. If you wish to use a different editor, specify the command line for your editor after the colon. Note that your editor must be in the path for it to be opened from eWam.
Not set
/MAKESUBHELP:\<Help Sub-directory>
Specifies the Help Sub-directory to use in /executable Command Line Options#MAKEHELP) mode.
The Help Sub-directory is the name of the sub-directory of the Help Directory in which to place help files. (The Help Directory is that pointed to by WYDE-HELP or is '(WYDE-ROOT)\Help' by default). The actual file will be placed in the 'IDE' sub-directory of this Help Sub-directory. If not specified here, the Help Sub-directory is the first directory found in the Help Directory.
Not set
Adds extra information in memory allocations to be able to keep track of which and how many blocks are allocated. Memory allocation can be inspected via the buttons in the debugger. This option is also required for the Memory Blocks inspector in the Memory Viewer tool.
The Paint Spaces (PS) have their copies on the server. With this option, it is possible in particular to
- write explicitly into a PS
- read the contents of a PS Use: for deployment essentially
Checks for memory corruption when in /MEMDEBUG mode by looking for corrupted signatures in allocated blocks headers and footers during memory allocation and desallocation.
This is for debugging purpose. Not recommended to set this option in production environment, as it slows the application a lot.
N is the number of the most recently allocated blocks to verify on each memory allocation/desallocation. No matter of what M is set to.
Then, no matter of what N is set to, all memory blocks are checked every M allocations/désallocations.
Suggestion to start with: 16,1024.
/METHOD:\<Method name>
Used in conjunction with /CLASS. Specifies method to execute automatically in class specified with /CLASS option. See /CLASS, /SCENARIO, and /RUN.
Not set.
When set, each module used has initialization and termination.
Initialization consists of InitVar call on each module var type and call of ModName#Init.
Termination consists of call of ModName#Term and KillVar call on each module var type.
Not Set
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
Default value is FALSE for eWam.exe and eWamConsole.exe
Default value is TRUE for WedRPCServer.exe.
When TRUE : Will Display the WEDRPCServer console. This is for degugging purpose. Not recommended for production.
When FALSE: will not display the WEDRPCServer console.
Note that /NOCONSOLE is equivalent to /NOCONSOLE:TRUE
When Wyseman is started by a Windows Service then the console will not be displayed even if /NOCONSOLE:TRUE is set.
Default value is TRUE.
Enables the performance optimization of NOT locking the database during the first part of the transaction acceptance where Ids are attributed to reftos and listofs.
Reducing that DB locking duration helps parallelizing transaction.accept in multiuser context.
Not set
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
De-activates the debug popup menu when you click with the right mouse button.
Not Set
RaiseError will not open alert boxes. This option is useful for batch processes that might encounter errors, but which you do not want to stop execution.
Not Set
When eWam is launched with this option, its engine will not execute interpreted code.
Not Set
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
When eWam is launched with this option, its engine will not preload all modules dlls at beginnning (and therefore all dlls which they are linked to).
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
Will disable any usage of multi implementation classes.
Not Set
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
Sends output to StdOut instead of report window.
Not Set
eWam, WedRPCServer
Doesn't open data bases when application is launched
Not set
eWam, WedRPCServer
Hides all data truncation warnings when fetching data from database.
This is implemented only for ODBC API Based Database Manager (SQL Server, Postgresql).
Not Set
eWam, WedRPCServer
Similar to /NOVIRTUALWINDOW, except that this option works at the control level and not the Windows level.
Use: for debugging purpose only.
Not Set
All the user interface is created on the server in non-virtual mode. Naturally, the created UI is not visualized expressly on the server. This option is the same as specifying /NOVIRTUALCONTROL and /NOVIRTUALWINDOW. Applications using ActiveX controls and other similar components for which the windows are necessary for their correct execution.
Use: for debugging purpose only.
Not Set
Application windows are generated on the server. Otherwise, although the internal eWam runtime part of each screen is created (the so-called virtual window), the real Windows window is not. Of course creating the Windows windows, too, consumes a large number of resources on the server.
Use: for debugging purpose only.
Not Set
Specifies that the pop-up windows will have the initial eWam style.
Not Set
eWam, WedRPCServer
With this option, large OQL buffers are pooled and reused instead of beeing allocated and deallocated each time. Memory usage is bigger, but time of execution of the OQL request are much better for large OQL buffers (several Mo). This applies to CPP generated OQL requests, not interpreted ones.
\<MinSizeToPool> is the minimum length value (expressed in Ko) of buffers that can be pooled.
\<MaxTotalSizeToPool> is the maximum total size (in Ko also) of buffers in this pool (per thread). Beyond OQL buffers are not pooled anymore.
Typical usage : /OQLBUFFERPOOL:1024
Not Set.
If option is set, then MaxTotalSizeInPool is MaxInt4 by default meaning no limit.
eWam, WedRPCServer
With this option, all CPPDLL are preloaded and installed.
This command parameter is set when the process is started by Automatic Start of WySeMan feature and preload=Yes.
Not Set
eWam, WedRPCServer
/PRELOADMETH:\<Class name>.\<MethodName>
Specify the method to call when the process is started. It is called only when WedRPCServer.exe is started with option /Executable Command Line Options#PRELOAD
Not Set
Throw an exception (aRaiseErrorException) when std.SetError (RaiseError in eWam Kernel) are called.
Not Set
eWam, WedRPCServer
To close & reopen statement in PRB pool instead of reseting. It release any Database Driver memory attached to a statement.
Not Set
eWam, WedRPCServer
To check that when storing a new version of an object in a versionned table, updating the status of the previous version to not current is done with success. Transaction is rollbacked if not, to avoid having several current versions.
Not set
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
/RUN:\<Class name>.\<Method name>
Launches eWam, creates and instance of \<Class name>, and automatically executes the method \<Method name>.
Not Set
eWam, eWamConsole
Launches WAM with the running context identified by \<CtxtId>
Not Set
eWam, WedRPCServer
Launches eWam or WedRPCServer with the running context \<Context Name>
Not Set
eWam, WedRPCServer
Forces using Current DateTime of LastUpdateDate for all Objects in a same transaction.
See also aFullObject.SetLastUpdateForAllObjects.
Not Set
eWam, WedRPCServer
/SCENARIO:\<Scenario name>
Used in conjunction with /CLASS. Specifies scenario to open automatically in class specified with /CLASS option.
See also /CLASS, /METHOD, and /RUN.
Not Set
Enable/Disable scrolling in ComboBox (aka dropdown) when a user scrolls and a ComboBox is selected.
FALSE (not set)
WydeWeb client
/SERVERCLASS:\<BufferFormat>=\<Class Name>
Used to specify the Server Class to instanciate for a WedRPCServer.exe server Kind. Example : /SERVERCLASS:GSP=aWCBW_GSPServer)
When not specified, the server class is the deapest leaf class of aWedServer whose method Manage(formatBuffer) returns true.
When TRUE, pops up a dialog window in case of a crash, and it waits for user input to continue.
TRUE for eWam
FALSE for WedRPCServer
eWam, WedRPCServer
Skip errors declaring override methods In case of reimplem.
Not Set
/STACKSIZE:\<???>.\<Stack size in K>
Maximum in Kilo bytes of interpreter stack size. Minimum size is 64K. Note that applications making little use of the interpreter can use significantly smaller stack size.
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
/STRINGCACHESIZE:\<cache size in K>
For WydeWeb, reduce the bandwidth use by caching strings.
Use: for deployment essentially
See also WydeWeb client option /STRINGCMP.
Launches application in test mode (exactly the same when you test an application from eWam with the start button). Test comportment, such as transaction verification and filling disposed instances with dispose flag, is used. Thus, you can have the same environment as normal testing when you launch an exe or use the /Run option from the command line.
Not Set
eWam eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
Makes Interpreter check when accessing a variable that the object is actually of a class that contains such a variable. It is helpfull when searching for memory overwrites due to invalid recast for instance.
Warning : this will make the interpretation of Gold code slower (average 10% but can be 200% on a single var access). So to be used only for tests and memory overwrites search.
Not Set
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
WydeWeb timer events will not be considered as user activity by Wydeweb server.
For debugging purpose.
TRACECOMP:IB trace internet buffers received by WydeWeb Server in the "errTrace.txt" file.
Not set
eWam, WedRPCServer
To dump memory process in log folder when a crash exception occured. Crash dump files are stored in (wyde-err) path ((wyde-root)\log).
Name of crash dump file is built from the executable name + processId + the thread id.
\<nbDump> specify the number of crashdump to keep . When \<npDump> is raised, no more dump files are gerenated.
Not set.
\<nbDump> is defaulting to 20
Trace when code is calling deprecated methods. Methods tags with Deprecated annotation.
This option is active in interpreted mode and is not active in compiled mode.
Not Set
Writes all disposed Memories on terminate events in the "errTrace.txt" file.
not set
Writes errors in the "errTrace.txt" file only if their severity is greater or equal than \<ErrorLevel>. So lower severities are skipped from the "errTrace.txt"
not set
Write extra information on terminate events in the "errTrace.txt" file.
not set
eWam, WedRPCServer
Puts information on all UIRefresh events in the standard report.
Use : debugging only
not set
Boolean value set to true to use RichEdit 4.1 instead of 2.0 : better handling of tables.
Wydeweb Client
Boolean value set to true to enable UI Automation features to facilitate control recognition by Automation tools like UFT, TestComplete, Verifaya, etc.,
In WydeWeb, the switch needs to be set on the client (WydeWeb.exe command line, OCX options, etc.)
This switch needs to be set on the client command line :
- if you run the automated tests on a rich client, the switch needs to be set on ewam.exe command line;
- if you run the automated tests on a simple wydeweb.exe client, the switch needs to be set on the wydeweb.exe command line;
- if you run the automated tests on an ActiveX client, the switch needs to be set in the OPTIONS markup of wydewebasauto.html web page;
- if you run the automated tests on a ClickOnce client, the switch needs to be set in options.txt
Wydeweb client
This option has to be set after /UIAUTOMATION:[TRUE|FALSE], like so:
It has no effect with /UIAUTOMATION:FALSE or if placed before /UIAUTOMATION:[TRUE|FALSE].
- /UIAUTOMATION.ZORDER:V1 is the UIAutomation z-order introduced with /UIAUTOMATION:TRUE
- /UIAUTOMATION.ZORDER:V2 is the UIAutomation z-order introduced for Wyde/RPA
- /UIAUTOMATION.ZORDER:OFF doesn't change the z-order, same order as with /UIAUTOMATION:FALSE
Wydeweb client
This option has to be set after /UIAUTOMATION:[TRUE|FALSE], like so:
It has no effect with /UIAUTOMATION:FALSE or if placed before /UIAUTOMATION:[TRUE|FALSE].
/UIAUTOMATION.STATICASBUTTON:TRUE is the old behavior: instantiate CButton for static texts
/UIAUTOMATION.STATICASBUTTON:FALSE instantiates CStatic for static texts, this is equivalent to the default behavior with /UIAUTOMATION:TRUE
Wydeweb client
This option has to be set after /UIAUTOMATION:[TRUE|FALSE], like so:
It has no effect with /UIAUTOMATION:FALSE or if placed before /UIAUTOMATION:[TRUE|FALSE].
- /UIAUTOMATION.SCROLLONFOCUS:TRUE automatically scroll the window horizontally or vertically to try to display the control which received the focus
- /UIAUTOMATION.SCROLLONFOCUS:FALSE is the standard behavior, the window doesn't automatically scroll.
Wydeweb client
Apply old eWam UI style (eWam 4.6 and previous version UI style) for entry field, drop down and scroll bars.
New UI Style has been introduced with eWam 5.0. You can then use this option to revert to previous eWam 4.6 UI Style.
In WydeWeb, the switch needs to be set on the client (WydeWeb.exe command line, OCX options, etc.)
Wydeweb client
Modification of the behaviour of Gold intrinsic UPCASE:
EXCEPTACCENT = DEFAULT : usual and previous behaviour : accent char are not upcased ('à' stays unchanged)
ACCENTINSENSITIVE : new mode upcasing chars to chars without accent ('à' is changed to 'A')
ACCENTSENSITIVE : new mode upcasing accent chars keeping accentuation in upcase char ('à is changed to À):
Here is what is obtained as upcasing with /UPCASEMODE:ACCENTSENSITIVE :
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzšœžàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ gives:
It can be used to get the same upcasing as Oracle without changing applicative code.
Note that ACCENTINSENSITIVE can be used to get the wUtil.UpcaseAccentInsensitive behaviour.
Warning : this option does NOT change the behaviour when Environment/Options/Main/Execution/Strings encoded in Unicode UTF-8 is checked.
Not Set,
equivalent of EXCEPTACCENT
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
Boolean value to set to false to disable usage of generated PRB for DB access.
Easier to set than editing DBDef that needs check-out.
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
Makes executable wait at launch for nnn seconds. Can be used to attach debugger.
Not Set
eWam, eWamConsole, WedRPCServer
This option is useful for debugging. The actual UI will be shown on the server.
This option consumes a lot of graphical resources of the server and has no sense for a real deployment.
Note that on a real server, this option might bring up dialog boxes waiting for user manual response on the server, which is certainly not what you want for a deployed application.
Use: for debugging only
Not Set
Options for Build Automation
Integration options (eWam.exe, eWamConsole.exe)
Default Value
Options set for compiling & linking Gold cpp generated code, to produce cppdll files. Value is one of the following :
DEBUG : dll & pdb files to be used with full debugging capacities. larger files & slower execution.
RELEASE : dll & pdb files to be used with few debugging capacities (call stack only). smaller files & rather fast execution.
BOTH : both previous files are generated in separate folders.
RELOPT1 : Intel x64 optimized mode : dll & pdb files with almost no debugging capacities. Fastest execution, better than release mode, however larger dll files and increased linking time.
Not set
Since [EWAM-228], no more consistency check during CPP generation => This fasten build process.
This command line option reactivate consistency check during CPP Generation : /EWAMCPPCHECKCONSISTENCY:TRUE
Not set
Since [EWAM-432], lib.exe was called after compiling and before linker.
/EXECUTELIBEXE:FALSE desactivates this feature, and enable previous mode of linker being called twice to handle circular dependencies between dlls.
NoPrompt option for CI process, to avoid popups during CI Automation
Not set
Sets one for all, the "Forbid IDE execution" checkbox in eWam option/Execution. Then eWam IDE will no longer be able to be lauched on that environnement. This action is NOT reversible.
Not set
Launches eWam and synchronizes the local repository from the shared repository. Note that this operation asks for no confirmation so that it can be placed in batch processes.
Not set
Automatically opens the eWam system data bases in Read/Write mode when your application is run.
Not set
Refresh eWam System classes declared in TGV repository from Cpp code.
This may have to be executed when installing a eWam Patch.
Not Set
When using /RUN switch, The class-Method is executed in IDE mode and not in Runtime mode.
Not Set
Since this option is not more supported for eWam.exe and ewamconsole.exe.
Not Set
Options for eWam Services (eWamService.exe)
Default Value
eWAM IDE is started as a service (no UI).
Available for eWam 6.1.5 and upper and only for executable eWAMService.exe.exe.
Not Set
Default Value
/CONFIG:\<Config name>
MANDATORY Installs the specified configuration. The \<Config name> must include the full path name including the '.cfg' extension
Not set
The installed classes and modules will not be able to be modified once installed.
Not set
The entities defining your application (classes, methods, variables, ...) will not be registered in the meta-model access plan, for deployed applications which will not need to search for MM instances. This option is useful for reducing the size of the deployment TGV files.
Not set
Installs the classes and modules without installing their method implementations. Of course, for the application to work, the classes and modules will have had to be compiled. This option is useful for reducing the size of the deployment TGV files.
Not set
Installs the classes without their data base mappings. Of course, for the application to work, the mappings for the given data base will have had to be generated as PRBs. This option is useful for reducing the size of the deployment TGV files.
Not set
Bundle Installer Options (eWam.exe and eWamConsole.exe)
The Deliveries Bundle Installer can be conveniently launched from the command line.
Note that you must include /SYSTEM in your options so that you will be able to modify the eWam system data bases.
eWAMconsole.exe /Run:xBundle.BatchInstallBundle {Options} /SYSTEM
Where {Options} can be :
Apply to
/BUNDLE:\<Bundle name>
Bundle installation
MANDATORY : Installs the specified bundle. The \<Bundle name> must include the full path name including the '.tgv' extension
Only allows certain modifications to your application that are legal for producing bundle patches.
For instance, allows modifications to method implementations, or the addition of private variables, but will not permit adding new public variables.
Not set
Developer environments
In replacement of /BUNDLEMAINTENANCE but without the necessity to set new entities as private, the entities will be set private when you will generate the bundles. (Works with /PATCHPRIVATE)
Not set
Bundle installation
The installed classes and modules will not be able to be modified once installed.
Not set
Bundle installation
Option to reconciliate new entities on name instead of duplication with name
Bundle installation
The entities defining your application (classes, methods, variables, ...) will not be registered in the meta-model access plan, for deployed applications which will not need to search for MM instances. This option is useful for reducing the size of the deployment TGV files.
Not set
Bundle generation
With this option, all new entities since last generation of bundle will be stored as private in patch bundle. Works with /BUNDLEMAINTENANCE2.
Not Set
Bundle installation
Option to do not block installation when greater version of entities are presents in the environment.
Not Set
Bundle installation
Installs the classes and modules without installing their method implementations. Of course, for the application to work, the classes and modules will have had to be compiled. This option is useful for reducing the size of the deployment TGV files.
Not set
Bundle installation
Installs the classes without their data base mappings. Of course, for the application to work, the mappings for the given data base will have had to be generated as PRBs. This option is useful for reducing the size of the deployment TGV file