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Web framework


The web framework is a web ready toolset integrated in eWam, it is design to provide a more abstracted web system to the applicative side.

It is designed to provide more flexibilities between the network and the application by transfert responsabilities for network protocol, security outside ewam. This part of the system is named host.

The hosting mecanism allow better separation of architecture roles:

  • App (with ewam):
    • business application logic
    • manage database IO
    • related to business knownledge
  • Host (with node)
    • deployment/environment logic
    • manage web IO
    • related to devops knownledge

With the web framework, we also open the reflexion for better application encapsulation, the entrance ticket for docker & cloud tools:


The web framework is declined into three parts:

  • application hosting: connect application to the world
  • service publication: dispatch requests to the appropriate application method
  • graph protocol: define a protocol allowing to expose business model as graph